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CHDAILY.comArchives May 12, 2024 | Last Updated: 07:09 AM EDT

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Junhyeong Kim

Africa Water

238 Clean Water Wells and 3 Schools for Children to Bring Hope and Change in Africa


Somang Society, alongside Geun-Sun Park, a missionary who has been serving in Africa, helped to build 238 wells and three schools for children in Africa. Park expressed his gratitude toward Somang Society--a non-profit that has focused on building wells and also does work to help the Korean elderly in southern California--in being able to participate in this work and provide clean drinking water for some 200,000 people.READ MORE

OC Pastors Conference

"The Messenger is the Message": Ethical Pastoring in the Immigrant Church


The Council of Korean Churches in Orange County hosted a one-day conference for pastors on March 12 at Grace Ministries International, located in Fullerton, CA. The conference featured seven pastors from different churches and denominations as speakers to speak on seven different topics revolving around the theme, “The identity of the pastor, and a healthy pastoral ministry in the immigrant church.” Some 200 pastors, pastors’ wives, and seminarians attended the event.READ MORE

Hillsong LA

Lessons to Glean from the Growing Young Churches in America for God-Centered Worship


The idea that the church in America is experiencing a stagnancy or even a decline is one that is shared by many. In the midst of the alleged stagnancy, however, are many ever-growing churches, many of which are churches with young congregations. Dr. Sang-Hoon Lee, a professor of Missiology at Fuller Theological Seminary, discussed these young churches during his lecture titled, “An Innovative Pastoral Ministry...READ MORE

Young Nak Offering $200,000 in Scholarships to Korean American Students


Young Nak Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles will once again be giving scholarships to Korean American undergraduate and graduate students. The scholarship program was founded on 1982 with the church’s desire to raise up spiritual leaders. This year, $20,000 worth of scholarships will be given, and each recipient will be receiving an average of $1,000.READ MORE

Hyeon Soo Lim

Korean Canadian Pastor Hyeon Soo Lim Detained in North Korea


Hyeon-Soo Lim, a Korean Canadian pastor who led Light Presbyterian Church in Toronto, is thought to be detained in North Korea. Family and friends lost contact with him after he made a trip to Najin, North Korea on January 30. More specifically, he initially arrived in North Korea on January 27 and went to Najin on the 30th, but he lost contact with individuals outside of North Korea after he went into Pyongyang on the 31st.READ MORE

Ed Royce and Eliot Engel

Congress to Consider Bill Regarding Human Rights Violations in and Sanctions Against North Korea


On February 27, the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs is expected to have a markup—a meeting in which the committee will discuss and amend a proposed legislation—regarding the North Korea Sanction Enforcement Act (H.R. 757), which was introduced by Representatives Ed Royce (R-California) and Eliot Engel (D-New York).READ MORE

Seminarians prayer meeting

Korean Seminarians Come Together to Intercede for the Nation and World


Korean seminarians who are studying in the southern California region have been gathering every month to pray for world missions, the U.S., Korea, Korean reunification, and various other topics. These prayer gatherings started last month,...READ MORE

Women World Day of Prayer

Women Across the Globe to Unite in Prayer for the Bahamas


The first Friday of March every year is a day in which Christian women all over the world, regardless of denomination or race, pray for the church’s unity, and for peace and salvation in the world. This day of prayer is a legacy of a woman who chose that day to pray for those who immigrated into the U.S. from such places as Europe and Asia beginning in 1887...READ MORE

Holistic theology

'Holistic Theology' Brings Together Apsects of Various Existent Theologies


Dr. Myung-Yong Kim, the president of the Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary (PUTS), advocated that the 130 years of Korean Christian history has resulted in the fruit of a 'Holistic Theology,' and asked that the Korean immigrant church in the U.S. would join him in this theology.READ MORE

Editor's Picks

  • First “Global Assembly” Of An Atheist Church

    The Sunday Assembly, also known as the “Atheist Church”, based in the United Kingdom is scheduled to have its first global assembly. The “church” is also known to have a branch and ...

    World May 06, 2014 02:34 AM EDT
  • North Korea: U.S. Missionaries Responsible for Human Trafficking

    The leaders of the DPRK have been making very strong statements regarding human rights. A representative from the North Korean government has stated in a speech that the U.S. is a ‘living ...

    World May 08, 2014 03:08 AM EDT

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