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Joseph Choi

Joseph Choi small profile

Four Additional Criteria to Fine-Tune the Meaning of 'Evangelical' for Chaplains


Who is an Evangelical? I consider myself an evangelical Christian—I grew up in a home with my father being a passionate evangelical Presbyterian pastor. I attended an evangelical flavored church all my life. I attended and graduated from an evangelical seminary with two graduate degrees. I’m also ordained by an evangelical denomination.READ MORE

Joseph Choi small profile

I Finished My Dissertation


I finished. I actually finished my academic requirements for the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree at Talbot School of Theology. READ MORE

Joseph Choi small profile

A Privilege Possessed by the Army Reserve Chaplain


Last month, I attended Annual Training as part of my Army Reserve duties. For Reserve soldiers, we report to our units 2 days a month (usually Saturday and Sunday) and 2 weeks a year (usually during summer). This year, I spent everyday during those 2 weeks counseling soldiers.READ MORE

Joseph Choi small profile

Why Medical Insurance Companies Should Invest in Seminaries


Imagine that a normal, healthy 52 year old woman—a loving wife, mother of two children, a devout woman of faith who regularly volunteers at her church—suddenly suffers a massive stroke and comes to the ER. What would the family choose to do when they find out the possibility of her waking up and living life the same is close to zero?READ MORE

Joseph Choi small profile

Pastors' Compensation: To Be Concerned and Not Be Too Concerned


Pastors' compensation -- it’s a sensitive issue. Pastors not become pastors because it’s a lucrative career—they answered God’s call to save souls. But pastors can’t live if they are not properly compensated either. I am writing this article in part as a response to the recent study released by Grey Matter Research & Consulting, looking at the financial struggles of Evangelical pastors in the US as well as a study done by AARP and AAAJ surveying 50 and older Asian Americans. Both studies were released on April 2016.READ MORE

Joseph Choi small profile

Common Army Chaplain Questions, and Answers to Them


I would randomly but frequently receive emails or Facebook messages asking for advice and information regarding the Army chaplaincy from future chaplain hopefuls. Many of the questions are very similar and it would seem helpful to pastors who may be interested in the Army chaplaincy for me to share some of the correspondences that I have had with them. This Q&A is a collection of different questions from different pastors who have inquired me regarding joining the U.S. Army Chaplain Corps. READ MORE

Joseph Choi small profile

Bye, Bi-Vocational Pastor


It seems my tri-vocational role has got the best of me. As of Feb. 2016, I am not anymore a tri-vocational pastor. In fact, I’m not sure if I’m a pastor anymore because one of the positions I had to drop was being a church pastor. With “just” being a hospital and US Army chaplain, I am now in ministries where no one calls me a pastor, but a chaplain.READ MORE

Joseph Choi small profile

Right to Choice or Right to Life?: Unpacking the Logic Behind the Argument


In December 2015 cover story of Vogue, a popular fashion and life style magazine, actress Jennifer Lawrence is to have said she “can’t imagine supporting a party that doesn’t support women’s basic rights.” She doesn’t specifically state what “women’s basic rights” is supposed to be, but from the context of the interview, as she talks about being raised a Republican but not wanting to support the party,...READ MORE

Joseph Choi small profile

How Should Pastors Discuss Social Issues from the Pulpit?


Pastor Joseph Choi discusses why he believes pastors should discuss certain social issues with their congregants from the pulpit. It all comes down to helping them to have a biblical worldview, he says.READ MORE

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