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CHDAILY.comArchives Apr 28, 2024 | Last Updated: 20:35 PM EDT

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Jonathan Y. Lee

Jonathan Lee

A Pastor's Lent Prayer


Bowing my head to the ground, pounding my chest in confession, “I am nothing but a sinner!” I say money can't buy happiness and yet worry about money all the time. Where is the action of faith on "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these shall be added unto you?"READ MORE

Jonathan Lee

A Pastor's Journal Series: On Jealousy


Perhaps one of the most destructive forces hidden under the blanket of ministry is jealousy. I'm struggling with it once again, which I'd thought had under control. It all began with a couple of recent articles about a new trend of the 1.5 generation Korean-American pastors getting love-calls from mega-churches in Korea.READ MORE

Jonathan Lee

The Exchange of Treasures


Have you ever thought about the original concept of money? When there was no money yet, people used what they had to buy what they needed in the form of exchange. It was simple and direct; grain for salt, salt for silk, silk for animals, animals for grains, back again. The system of exchange was primitive yet effective, and beneficial for all.READ MORE

Jonathan Lee

A Pastor's Journal Series: Kaleidoscope or Telescope


Another busy and hectic year is winding down as we enter the last couple of weeks of the year. As I look back at the continuous turning of the stages of circumstances and incidents throughout the year, I was reminded of the kaleidoscope of life. READ MORE

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  • First “Global Assembly” Of An Atheist Church

    The Sunday Assembly, also known as the “Atheist Church”, based in the United Kingdom is scheduled to have its first global assembly. The “church” is also known to have a branch and ...

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  • North Korea: U.S. Missionaries Responsible for Human Trafficking

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