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CHDAILY.comArchives May 04, 2024 | Last Updated: 10:49 AM EDT

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Jin Yoo

Hagia Sophia

Muslim leaders urge Hagia Sophia's conversion to mosque


Muslim leaders are expressing their support to keep the Hagia Sophia in Turkey open to people of all faiths. Judge Mohamed Abdel Salam, the general secretary of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, a religious committee representing Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, contended that any decisions regarding the Hagia Sophia be not for creating divisions but rather as a place that encourages "mutual respect and understand among all religions."READ MORE

U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo

Mike Pompeo "Abortion, it takes a life"


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo shared a speech during a Family Leadership Summit in Iowa expressing the Trump administration's opposition of making abortion a human right. "Abortion quite simply isn't a human right," Pompeo declared. "It takes a life." "This administration appreciates and knows that our rights come from God, not government," Pompeo added as he shared that he is trying to make decisions based on "God's" truth.READ MORE

Gay Couple

British Public Seeks to Ban LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy


A poll administered by Ozanne Foundation revealed that a whopping 62% of the British public agreed to ban LGBTQ+ conversion therapy. This conversion therapy was defined by Ozanne Foundation as therapy "where people seek to change someone's sexual orientation, sexual behavior, or gender identity." The ban was only opposed by 14% of the British public Jayne Ozanne, the founder of the Ozanne Foundation called the conversion therapy an "abhorrent practice." READ MORE


2 in 5 LGBTQ+ Youth 'Seriously Considered' Suicide


In a 2020 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health conducted by The Trevor Project, a non-profit committed to suicide prevention among the LGBTQ+ youth, revealed that 2 in 5 LGBTQ+ youth have "seriously considered" suicide in the past year. READ MORE

Three-Self Church in China

Believers in China experience restraint from Chinese government sinicizing churches


Believers in China are experiencing oppression against their belief by the country's attempt to sinicize areas. On Wednesday of July 15, 2020, a church leader, Wang Hongze, was warned in Hebei province that he cannot join service and conduct bible study at unauthorized religious locations. READ MORE

Pastor Greg Fairrington giving a sermon at his church, Destiny Christian Church.

California pastor encourages congregants to defy shutdown rules


Pastor Greg Fairrington, the pastor of Destiny Christian Church in Sacramento told his congregants that he will defy official mandate by continuing to hold in-person services. "I believe my mandate as a pastor is to obey the word of God. Worship is a part of what we do together as a church corporately and we need to do this," the pastor shared in a video he posted on Facebook. READ MORE

Pastor John Piper

John Piper's Opinions on Pastors Who Don't Preach Against Sin


During a podcast led by the team at Desiring God, a woman from Sweden who described herself as a "relatively new Christian in Sweden" asked Pastor John Piper about her church and was interested in how he thought about her church that does not preach against sins. READ MORE

Hagia Sophia

Turkey Converts Hagia Sophia From a Museum to Mosque


Hagia Sophia, a basilica and a UNESCO World Heritage site located in Istanbul, Tukey, has been converted into a mosque from a museum. On Friday of July 10, 2020, the Turkish court annulled a 1934 presidential decree that made it a museum. Soon after, the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ordered the Hagia Sophia to be converted back into a mosque and announced the opening of Friday prayers at Hagia Sophia on July 24 in a televised speech.READ MORE

Supreme Court

Supreme Court Rules 7-2 to Protect Religious Schools from Government Interference


On Wednesday of July 8, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that religious schools are allowed to handpick their teachers. The Supreme Court voted 7-2 against 2 teachers who were fired from their jobs. This ruling allows religious schools to have the freedom of choosing who teaches their faith to their students. The former teachers sued two Catholic schools for firing them however, the court ruled that religious freedom interdicted the former teachers from suing for employment discrimination heightening a new tension between workers' rights and church authority.READ MORE

Attendees at Fellowship Church worship with face masks, May 3, 2020. | Fellowship Church

Singing and chanting banned in churches in California


On Wednesday of July 8, 2020, the State Department of Public Health officially banned singing and chanting activities in places of worship to prevent the spread of coronavirus through droplets traveling in the air.READ MORE

Jentezen Frankling

Pastor Jentezen Franklin criticizes new COVID-19 ban and urges Christians to "vote their faith"


Jentezen Franklin, Senior Pastor of Free Chapel Church in Gainesville, Georgia criticized the new COVID-19 health guideline as an attempt to "control church" and urged Christians to "vote their faith." Franklin believes California's COVID-19 health guideline that bans churches to allow singing and chanting is an assault on religious freedom.READ MORE

Description: People supporting DACA

Religious Leaders urge Trump to defend DACA


Evangelical leaders who are members of the Evangelical Immigration Table wrote to Trump urging to reconsider plans to resubmit filing to end DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.READ MORE

Pastor Ron Arbaugh, the Pastor of Calvary Chapel of San Antonio in Texas

Texas Calvary Chapel finally adheres to mask order after 51 congregants get infected by COVID-19


Pastor Ron Arbaugh, the Pastor of Calvary Chapel of San Antonio in Texas took full responsibility over the 51 congregants testing positive for COVID-19.READ MORE

Seattle CHOP

CHOP multiple gunshot died "I still don't know nothing"


Anderson Sr., a father who lost his son to a fatal shooting in a police-free zone expressed his distress on media only to get an unprecedented condolence phone call from President Trump.READ MORE

Pastor John Piper

John Piper Explains How Evil Began


John Piper stated, "Satan, whose name means an accuser, a devil which means slanderer." Satan takes away the grace from every being. The Devil is the "deceiver of the whole world" (Revelation 12:9), "ruler of this world" (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11), "god of this age" (2 Corinthians 4:4), "prince of the power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2), "Beelzebul, the prince of demons" (Matthew 12:24). READ MORE

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  • North Korea: U.S. Missionaries Responsible for Human Trafficking

    The leaders of the DPRK have been making very strong statements regarding human rights. A representative from the North Korean government has stated in a speech that the U.S. is a ‘living ...

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