Bible Studying: More Effective Ways on Reading the Bible

This article will help you learn about the most efficient methods for studying the Bible, as well as the significance of having a relationship with God.

Transgender People and Christians in Nashville: The Current Situation After School Shooting

Know about the current situation in Nashville after the school shooting that claimed six lives, including minors and officials of the school. Click to know more about the updates on the current situat…
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  • Thom Rainer

    Five Overcorrection Mistakes Churches Make

    The pendulum swings in churches. The congregation does not like a previous direction, so they overcompensate with the next move they make. Often, the overcompensation becomes a more challenging situation than the previous state.
  • Joshua Choon Min Kang

    Service Toward Others Is Shown Through a Kneeling Posture

    The spirituality of service is the spirituality of Jesus. Jesus says that “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45).
  • Bryan Kim

    A Shoe Musing

    They say that when a tiger dies it leaves its leather, but when a people die they leave a legacy (their name). I regard that as the remnant of a life well lived. The reason why there is such an emptiness when a person passes away is precisely because of that remnant of a life well lived. When I thin…
  • Thom Rainer

    Seven Personality Types of Sick Churches

    Sick churches become dying churches. Dying churches become closed churches. Those statements are factual unless some type of change or intervention takes place. But intervention or change is unlikely unless the church recognizes that it is sick.
  • Coffee date

    The Billy Graham Rule: Finding a More Balanced Approach

    Have you heard of the Billy Graham rule? It states that men should never have a one-on-one meeting with a woman who isn’t his wife. This rule recently came into the public eye when the Washington Post reported that Vice President Mike Pence “never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and …
  • Stars

    Magnifying Christ: Seeing Him for Who He Truly Is

    Every time I visited my grandfather in the senior apartments when I was a child, I’d have to find things to play with. He had a candy jar full of coins, thousands of toothpicks taken from various restaurants, and other things I thought were strange.
  • Joshua Choon Min Kang

    To Live Is To Love

    The most noble thing is life. There is nothing more precious than life. It is truly amazing that a life is born. One life contains infinite potential. It’s like a big tree in a small seed. It is like having a huge forest in a small seed. All huge forests started with small seeds.
  • Bryan Kim

    Using Warm Language

    I heard there is a temperature in our language. In Ki Ju Lee’s book, The Temperature of Language, there is a story of a doctor who is taking care of patients. When addressing them, the doctor does not call them by saying, ‘patient’ or ‘sir’ to address the elderly. Rather, the doctor says, …
  • Thom Rainer

    Six Attitudes that Kill Evangelism in the Church

    Why are our churches less evangelistic today? That question could be answered from a number of perspectives. But one of the key explanations is simply an attitude problem. There are several dangerous and debilitating attitudes in churches that are killing evangelism. Here are six of them
  • Joshua Choon Min Kang

    Even the Blades of Grass Have Wounds

    I am not a poet. I have a wish to write poetry but it is not easy to write poetry. Although I am not a poet, I am interested in poetry. It is because I envy poets’ hearts and eyes. Poets see, more precisely, what we cannot see, and describes what we do not see well.
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