A Catholic widow in her 60s has been continuously threatened by the Chinese Communist Party to halt her belief in God or risk the discontinuance of her government aid.

She is retired and currently suffering from the economic hardships from COVID-19 so she is solely dependent on the monthly government stipend.

The officials forewarned her, "The Communist Party feeds you, you must only believe in it, not God."

After refusing to take down the images of Jesus in her home, her pension got cancelled two months later.

Unfortunately, elderly Christians facing similar dilemmas are a frequent occurrence in Communist China.

In late April, the Civil Affairs Bureau threatened and took down religious images of a paralyzed man in the same city for his faith in Jesus.

The Chinese Communist Party claims itself to deserve the full allegiance of their citizens because it is the Chinese Communist Party that provides "five-guarantees" which are aid for housing, food, clothing, medical care, and funeral expenses for people who cannot work and have no income.

The persecuted Christian shared his unwavering faith in a statement, "I won't give up my faith no matter how the government pursues me. If it cancels my benefits, I will meet God earlier."

While in China poverty relief is the most dependent factor for citizens who have retired, any Christians receiving government subsidies is under the threat of being abandoned by the government to support themselves.