After months of impeachment proceedings that exposed many divisions, the Senate on Wednesday acquitted Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, two bills submitted by Democrats.

Speaking at the White House East Room Thursday, Trump congratulated the end of the impeachment process.

The president also thanked Republicans in the House and Senate for being on his defense team or for supporting him most enthusiastically over the past few months.

The president's acquittal and response to Thursday's White House speech were pouring in.

U.S. Christian leaders, including Franklin Graham, have each responded to the recent rejection of an impeachment against President Donald Trump by the Senate.

First, Franklin Graham, an evangelist who persistently defended the president with the loudest voice, said the impeachment was a waste of time.

Graham wrote on his Facebook page, saying he was "not guilty" of Trump.

"It's confusing and a waste of time for our country. In Washington, there are so many important things for the president to focus on. I hope Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, Chuck Schumer, and others will give up their grief and hate and start working with Lee instead of against him."

He said, "The Bible warns us. 'If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. (Mark 3:25)" he added.

On the other hand, Jim Wallis, a Christian writer and liberal, said on SNS that he was thankful for the courageous decision by Mitt Romney, the only Republican who voted in favor of the impeachment vote.