"God, you who pulled me from destruction and called me to live as a disciple, in addition to bringing me salvation! I give you praise for allowing me to become a vessel that brings salvation to others from the moment I was saved.

I thank you for saving those in darkness and death, giving them God’s vision, causing them to live as fishers of men who lead others to the path of salvation (Mt 4:12-25).

I earnestly desire to set my gaze on you, obeying and following you just as you call me to. More than anything else, Lord, would you help me to live as a disciple that is like you, teaching the word, spreading the Gospel, and bringing healing to those who are weak, sick, and evil.

More than simply having salvation alone, help me to live as you desire, embracing your vision. Would you help me to be able to let go of all the barriers that come in the way of following you and help me to walk with and be near to you. I ask for an abundance of the grace of the Lord who brings complete healing and restoration to my body and spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Jun Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church.