"God, who created the heavens and the earth with your word! I give you praise, for you are speaking even now and you work and achieve as you have stated.

I give thanks that through this passage (Ezekiel 12), you helped me to see not only the fulfillment of prophecy concerning Judah, which faced a future of fear and unrest, but that you have also pointed out the peoples' erroneous beliefs. I pray that we may also receive your word in earnest and pay heed to your words. Disregarding the world's enticement and sin that tempts me to consider money, power, and pleasure as the world's greatest values, I desire to eagerly walk on the path of truth. I pray that I may walk with you on this road with your word and the Spirit's guidance.

God, I believe that your word never changes, yesterday or today and into eternity, and that your word will be fulfilled the same way even in my life. I pray that I may be able to live out your commands out in the world, with my utmost ability and obedience. May your words be realized in the world. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen."

Begin your mornings with Pastor Kim's daily prayers. Reverend Dae Joon Kim is the senior pastor at LA Vision Church.