Despite the various functions of their smartphones, many users complain about their devices' short battery life.

Fortunately, there are a few simple tips they can use to get the most out of their handsets' battery.

Based on a list of tips compiled by Time, probably the most obvious solution to saving a smartphone's battery life is by charging it the right way.

Before smartphones debuted in the market, mobile device owners were told to let the batteries drain first before fully charging them. Although this method sort of effectively teaches a battery pack to remember its full capacity, this does not apply to smartphones.

Due to advances in technology, smartphone batteries can still hold the same full capacity even when charged starting at zero or 50 percent. So, if you're leaving the house and your device's battery is only at 40 percent, charging it for 15 to 20 minutes before you leave will give it enough power to last the day without harming its lifespan.

Another helpful tip is ignoring the "close all apps" advice. Of course, in theory, closing all the running apps is an energy-efficient method for devices. But if you're the type of person who likes to constantly use apps, and closing and reopening them again and again, then you're pushing your smartphone to consume more from its battery.

As pointed out by Time, this concept is a bit similar to driving a car. Turning off and starting up your car's engine every time you're at a traffic stop burns more fuel than just leaving it on.

For mobile devices with AMOLED displays, using black-colored backgrounds is also an effective technique in extending battery life. Since this type of display only generates brightly colored pixels and not black ones, it does not require extra power from the battery to light up the entire screen.

According to Time, this method can actually save an hour of battery life every day.